Lacrosse > Mužský lakros > Registrace > NBLL transfer/loan

NBLL transfer/loan

If you want to effect a transfer/loan of a player, any stakeholder (old club, new club, the player) shall send an e-mail to freely specifying:

- Transfer or loan (if loan, specify the date of loan expiry)
- Player's full name
- Player's e-mail (if not initiated by the player himself and sent from his address)
- Player's reg. no. (if available)
- From team
- To team

RegCom will then send a Google Form to be filled (Agree/Disagree) by the team representatives to their registered e-mail addresses + the player.

To see the current status of your application visit

Právě se hraje



Chcete hrát soutěž sixes alternativně k NBLL, tedy systémem podzim/jaro, nebo s vyvrcholením současně s NBLL (jaro/podzim)??
Celkem hlasů 197